PROJECT: DCS Upgrade Project

An independent power producer (IPP) owned a significant portion of the west coast generation assests including a 210 MW unit consisting of a natural gas fired Riley Stoker boiler and a Westinghouse tandem compound turbine/generator. This client needed to install a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to meet recent air emission standards but their existing Bailey pneumatic boiler combustion control system with a partial Westinghouse WDPF temperature control system was obsolete and inadequate for this type of a control system upgrade.

The IPP's choice was to perform a full unit control system upgrade. The IPP's in-house control system expertise was talented and enabled them to bid a full control system upgrade specification with the successful supplier being ABB Inc. with their Symphony control system.

A project of this magnitude would have overloaded the IPP's single control system expert to manage so the IPP contracted me to be a formal Project Manager. I was selected to fill this position because of my extensive project management background in harmony with my process and control system capabilities.


• Constructed using MSVisio simplified functional logic diagrams of all the major control logic loops for unit, boiler, and turbine controls. Responsible for the initial unit characterization constants and stability tuning. Built a tuning plan.