Tandum Compound Reheat Steam Turbine rated @ 210 MW
PROJECT: DCS Upgrade Project
An independent power producer (IPP) owned a significant portion of the west coast generation assests including a 210 MW unit consisting of a natural gas fired Riley Stoker boiler and a Westinghouse tandem compound turbine/generator. This client needed to install a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to meet recent air emission standards but their existing Bailey pneumatic boiler combustion control system with a partial Westinghouse WDPF temperature control system was obsolete and inadequate for this type of a control system upgrade.
The IPP's choice was to perform a full unit control system upgrade. The IPP's in-house control system expertise was talented and enabled them to bid a full control system upgrade specification with the successful supplier being ABB Inc. with their Symphony control system.
A project of this magnitude would have overloaded the IPP's single control system expert to manage so the IPP contracted me to be a formal Project Manager. I was selected to fill this position because of my extensive project management background in harmony with my process and control system capabilities.
• Coordinated, managed, and directly participated in the major Distributed Control System (DCS) upgrade Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for a complete boiler, turbine/generator, BMS, and balance of plant software controls.
• Utilized an ABB supplied simulation software from the FAT to fully integrate the whole DCS upgrade into a simulator prior to actual installation. Completed full unit testing of boiler, turbine/generator, BMS, and balance of plant controls.